Dr. Iris Orbuch specializes in the Treatment of Endometriosis and is the Director of the Advanced Gynecologic Laparoscopy Center in Los Angeles. Dr. Iris Orbuchs’ practice is limited to Laparoscopic and Robotic Gynecologic Surgery, and is primarily a referral practice.
Dr Orbuch specializes in pelvic pain and the treatment of endometriosis. She understands that endometriosis is a major reason women experience pain, though she strives to assess for all additional co-existing generators of pain in order to help women live pain free productive lives.
Her training, under the guidance of Dr. C.Y. Liu and Dr. Harry Reich — both pioneers in the field of advanced laparoscopic surgery — allows Dr. Orbuch to be one of a handful of physicians across the country trained to perform advanced minimally invasive procedures. Dr. Orbuch provides both compassionate and individualized care while performing advanced laparoscopic techniques at St. Johns Hospital in Santa Monica, California. Dr Orbuch also operates at Lenox Hill Hospital, Mount Sinai and Beth Israel Hospital in New York City. Dr Iris Kerin Orbuch is currently the Vice Chair of the Endometriosis Special Interest Group of AAGL, the premiere International Gynecologic Laparoscopy organization. Dr. Orbuch is board certified in OB/GYN and offers gentle, compassionate care and a personal touch.